Hancock County Birth Index


These records were transcribed by Cindy Jones from the WPA Index to Birth Records, Hancock Co., Indiana. These records were compiled by the Indiana Works Progress Administration in 1938. The index includes letters A-Z for the years 1882-1920.
Child's Name Father's Name Mother's Name Sex Color Date of Birth Book Page
Ficher, Fred C. Fred C. Sadie O. Eakes M W 28 Dec 1918 H-18 20
Ficher, Mazie Fred C. Sadie O. Eakes F W 24 Nov 1917 H-15 133
Fields Chas. ng Graham F W 1 Mar 1891 H-4 241
Fields Chas. ng Graham F W 20 Sept 1894 H-5 322
Fields Chls. O. Carrie J. Graham ng ng 27 Mar 1893 H-5 72
Fields J. C. Hattie Johnson F W 16 Dec 1893 H-17 24
Fields Jas. L. Hattie Johnston F W 16 Dec 1893 H-5 175
Fields John Jane Wales M W 3 Jan 1892 H-4 365
Fields John Jane Walls F W 13 Jan 1896 H-5 508
Fields P. ng Lacy M W 26 Sept 1901 H-8 36
Fields P. ng Lacy F W 16 Oct 1904 H-13 53
Fields Peter Hattie Lacey F W 27 Aug 1894 H-5 308
Fields Peter Hattie Lacy F W 22 Jan 1897 H-6 82
Fields Peter L. ng Lacey F W 7 July 1893 H-5 112
Fields Peter L. ng Lacy M W 25 Feb 1899 H-6 409
Fields William Gertrude Reedy F W 4 Jan 1896 H-5 509
Fields Wm. Beaver M W 2 May 1895 H-5 421
Fields, Ada May Charles Carrie Graham F W 25 July 1889 H-4 7
Fields, Catherine Peter L. ng F W 25 Dec 1912 H-11 102
Fields, Helen Peter S. Hattie Lacy F W 24 Apr 1909 H-11 34
Fifer Jos. R. Mary A. Johnson M W 2 Sept 1888 H-3 459
Finch, Marion Burl Estella Kelly M W 31 May 1908 H-12 7
Finely John P. Mariah Munph M W 29 Nov 1892 H-5 33
Finely, Joseph Leslie P. Margaret Murray M W 23 Jan 1916 H-15 82
Finely, Joseph Masgiee P. Margaret Murry M W 23 Jan 1916 CH-20 22
Finey, John John F. Bertha M. Culk M W 12 Feb 1915 H-14 2
Fink A. C. Miller M W 4 Feb 1885 H-2 5
Fink Chas. Maggie Griffith M W 11 Nov 1911 H-11 83
Fink Edward Emma Miller F W 4 Sept 1900 H-8 18
Fink Henry Kate Webber F W 8 Feb 1886 H-2 30
Fink W. ng Dunn M W 25 May 1905 H-10 14
Fink, Charles Charles Maggie M. Griffith M W 31 May 1917 H-15 119
Fink, Elenor Herbert Hazel E. Shelley F W 1 Jan 1918 CH-22 1
Fink, Elenor ng ng ng ng 1 Jan 1918 H-16 2
Fink, Robert Walter Neva G. Dunn M W 5 Aug 1907 H-11 2
Fink, Willis Henry A. Maud Whitmore M W 7 June 1915 H-15 62
Finley J. ng Davis F W 27 Jan 1894 CH-18 18
Finley James Lucy Davis F W 29 Jan 1895 H-5 382
Finley, Clara I. Ralph Maude L. Hanna F W 14 Jan 1915 CH-20 15
Finlow David Emily Armstrong M W 9 Jan 1901 H-8 23
Finlow ng E. Armstrong M W 9 Jan 1901 H-9 4
Finnell James S. Rosanna McCorkhill F W 2 Apr 1887 H-3 206
Finnell Vard Clara Eakins F W 28 Aug 1887 H-3 263
Finnell Vard H. Clara W. Eakins F W 29 Jan 1889 H-3 523
Finney Albert A. Lilie E. Bannon M W 9 Mar 1883 H-1 130
Finney Ebenezer E. E. Belle M W 14 May 1882 H-1 76
Finney Ebenezer Emily E. Bell F W 27 Feb 1887 H-3 174
Finney Frank ng Walker F W 1 Dec 1897 H-6 235
Finney Mae Bessie Finney F W 16 May 1910 CH-19 36
Finney, Chester George Hattie Walker M W 16 Dec 1915 H-15 78
Finney, Franklin Ebenezer Emily Bell M W 1 May 1885 H-2 13
Finney, John John F. Bertha M. Culp M W 12 Feb 1915 H-15 54
Finney, Marion Frank Fanny Walker F W 29 Apr 1918 H-16 7
Finny Ebenezer ng Bell M W 9 May 1889 H-3 583
Finny Ebinezer Emaline Bell F W 28 June 1891 H-4 677
Fischer, Bonnie Fred C. Sadie O. Baker M W 27 Apr 1920 H-16 42
Fischer, M. Y. Ernest Julia Ulrick F W 31 Mar 1916 CH-20 23
Fischer, V. M. William R. Freda E. ng F W 28 Feb 1915 CH-20 15
Fischer, V. May William R. Freda B. Wilson F W 28 Feb 1915 H-15 55
Fishburn, W. M. Roland Ona R. Wiggins F W 25 Jan 1911 H-11 64
Fisher Daniel Jennie Davidson F W 29 May 1886 H-2 37
Fisher G. ng Palmer F W 18 Jan 1895 CH-18 18
Fisher J. ng Elison F W 2 Aug 1905 H-10 19
Fisher Jas. L. J. Campbell M W 4 Aug 1891 H-4 297
Fisher John ng Franklin M W 14 July 1900 H-9 6
Fisher John Minnie Franklin M W 14 July 1900 H-8 14
Fisher Simeon Florence Pike M W 12 Sept 1886 H-24 4
Fisher Simon Florence Pike M W 12 Sept 1888 H-3 87
Fisher Solomon Florence Pike M W 20 Mar 1888 H-24 8
Fisher Solomon Florence Pike M W 20 Mar 1888 H-3 376
Fisher Walter ng Henderson M W 26 Feb 1907 H-10 47
Fisher Walter ng Henderson M W 7 Feb 1907 H-9 27
Fisher, Claude Walter Flora Henderson M W 26 Sept 1908 CH-19 14
Fisher, Clyde Walter Flora Henderson ng ng 26 Sept 1908 CH-19 14
Fisher, Ethel L. George Grace Lowe F W 18 Jan 1918 H-16 2
Fisher, Flora Granville Mary F. Palmer F W 18 Jan 1895 H-5 381
Fisher, Fred W. Wm. R. Freda E. Wilson M W 10 Sept 1911 H-11 79
Fisher, James W. Jas. B. Ella Campbell M W 15 July 1890 H-4 135
Fisher, John E. John ng Little M W 9 Feb 1907 H-10 47
Fisher, John E. John Ethel Little M W 9 Feb 1907 H-9 27
Fisher, M. J. Ernest Julia Ulrick F W 31 Mar 1916 H-15 89
Fisher, W. M. Geo. Grace Lowe M W 5 Dec 1912 H-11 101
Fisk Ira Rose Treese M W 11 July 1902 H-13 11
Fisk Jas. M. ng Felt M W 21 June 1895 H-5 431
Fisk Jas. M. ng Felt M W 21 June 1895 CH-18 19
Fisk Jos. Cora Felt M W 30 May 1889 H-3 589
Fisk Jos. Cora Felt M W 8 Nov 1890 H-4 182
Fisk Joseph Cora Felt M W 30 Aug 1883 H-1 164
Fisk Joseph Cora Felt M W 9 Jan 1885 H-1 264
Fisk Joseph Cora Felt M W 9 Jan 1885 H-2 1
Fisk Walter ng Cooper ng W 6 Feb 1907 H-9 27
Fisk Walter ng Cooper F W 6 Feb 1907 H-10 47
Fisk William Pearl V. Laselle M W 30 Nov 1905 H-9 23
Fisk William ng Little F W 29 Dec 1906 H-10 43
Fisk William ng Little F W 29 Dec 1907 H-9 26
Fisk William Pearl V. Little M W 12 Sept 1914 H-15 33
Fisk William P. Ida Henderson F W 12 July 1902 H-13 11
Fisk Wm. ng Arbor M W 28 July 1887 H-3 251
Fisk Wm. ng Lasalle M W 30 Nov 1905 H-10 26
Fisk Wm. Victoria Little M W 18 Dec 1908 CH-19 18
Fisk, Chas. E. Wm. F. Pearl V. Little M W 16 May 1911 CH-19 44
Fisk, Clarence Clarence N. Lula B. Barnard M W 14 Nov 1919 H-16 35
Fisk, Edith E. Clarence Lulu Barnard F W 7 Mar 1916 H-15 87
Fisk, Joseph C. Walter Maud B. Cooper M W 9 Mar 1912 CH-19 54
Fisk, Joseph W. Ira W. Rose M. Trees M W 28 Mar 1916 H-15 88
Fisk, Rebecca John W. Maud B. Cooper F W 30 July 1917 H-15 122
Fisk, Rebecca J. John W. Maud B. Cooper F W 30 July 1917 CH-20 31
Fisk, Ward F. William F. Pearl V. Little M W 7 Sept 1912 CH-19 62
Fitts J. not Royers F W 17 Feb 1905 H-10 7
A-Ak | Al | Am-An | Ap | Ar-Az
B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be-Bh | Bi-Boi | Bol-Boy | Bra-Bre | Bri-Bro | Bru-Bz
C-Cap | Car | Cas-Ce | Ch-Cl | Ch-Cl | Cn-Col | Com-Cook | Coon-Cook | Cop-Coy | Cp-Cros | Crou-ng
D-Dau | Dav-Daz | De | Di | Do-Dr | Du-Dz
E-Ec | Ed-El | Em-Ez
F-Fa | Fe | Fi | Fl | Fo | Fr | Fu
G-Gar | Gas-Gi | Gl-Go | Gr-Grif | Grig-Gz
H-Ham | Han-Harp | Harr-Haw | Hay-Hend | Heni-Him | Hin-Holl | Holm-Hub | Huc-Hum | Hun-Hz
J-Jack | Jaco-Jay | Je-Ji | Jo-Johnso | Johnst-Jz
K-Kel | Kem-Kil | Kime-Kinf | King-Kinz | Kir-Km | Kn-Ko | Kr-Kz
L-La | Le-Li | Lo-Lz

Please note: Many names are spelled incorrectly/different than we do today. These are merely transcribed the way they were written in the WPA index files. Many individuals couldn't read or write and didn't know how to spell their names so they were at the mercy of whoever wrote them down. Then when the WPA transcription was done those poor folks had to read and transcribe handwritten documents (some of which are none too legible). So......there is no wonder we are all confused about how to spell "old" family names.

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Tom & Carolyn Ward / Columbus, Kansas / tcward@columbus-ks.com

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Tom & Carolyn Ward