Hancock County Birth Index


These records were transcribed by Cindy Jones from the WPA Index to Birth Records, Hancock Co., Indiana. These records were compiled by the Indiana Works Progress Administration in 1938. The index includes letters A-Z for the years 1882-1920.
Child's Name Father's Name Mother's Name Sex Color Date of Birth Book Page
Imboden, Pauline Rafe Jospheine Casey F W 29 Aug 1914 H-14 1
Ingerman, Robert John V. Ida F. Coronover M W 24 Oct 1897 H-6 218
Ingreman John V. ng Conover M W 24 Oct 1897 CH-18 28
Inlan Sam'l ng Conover F W 10 Aug 1894 H-5 306
Irans Ora Christina Wilson M W 27 June 1897 H-6 150
Ireton Robt. Josie Pope M W 14 Jul 1902 H-7 7
Ireton Robert Josie Pope M W 14 Jul 1902 H-13 11
Ireton, Andia Robert T. Josie L. Pope F W 28 Nov 1913 H-15 18
Ireton, Jesse Robert Josphine Pope M W 3 Sep 1911 H-11 79
Irons Jas. Permilla Hall M W 20 Feb 1886 H-2 30
Irons Albert ng Repple M W 17 Dec 1894 H-5 367
Irons Albert ng Repple F W 7 Dec 1894 CH-18 17
Irons C.A. ng Rippes M W 29 July 1896 CH-18 23
Irons C. A. ng Ripple M W 24 Aug 1897 CH-18 27
Irons, Robert Chas. A. Ella Repple M W 24 Sept 1897 H-6 205
Irvin Ralph ng McHone M W 17 May 1895 CH-18 19
Irwin, Martha N. Raymond D. Wanda Reeves F W 8 Aug 1919 H-12 70
Irwin, Mary J. Raymond Wanda Reeves F W 28 Jul 1916 H-12 56
Irwin, Mary Jane Raymond Wanda Reeves F W 28 Jul 1916 H-15 99
Irwin, Samuel G. John L. Mable M. Curry M W 16 Oct 1913 CH-20 5
Isgrigg Claude A. Parsons M W 25 May 1902 H-9 11
Isgrigg Daniel Permilia M. Lamb F W 19 Oct 1888 H-3 481
Isgrigg, Cecil Claud Ada B. Parson M W 25 May 1902 H-13 8
Ithonhour John V. Lettia J ng F W 3 Apr 1885 H-2 9
A-Ak | Al | Am-An | Ap | Ar-Az
B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be-Bh | Bi-Boi | Bol-Boy | Bra-Bre | Bri-Bro | Bru-Bz
C-Cap | Car | Cas-Ce | Ch-Cl | Ch-Cl | Cn-Col | Com-Cook | Coon-Cook | Cop-Coy | Cp-Cros | Crou-ng
D-Dau | Dav-Daz | De | Di | Do-Dr | Du-Dz
E-Ec | Ed-El | Em-Ez
F-Fa | Fe | Fi | Fl | Fo | Fr | Fu
G-Gar | Gas-Gi | Gl-Go | Gr-Grif | Grig-Gz
H-Ham | Han-Harp | Harr-Haw | Hay-Hend | Heni-Him | Hin-Holl | Holm-Hub | Huc-Hum | Hun-Hz
J-Jack | Jaco-Jay | Je-Ji | Jo-Johnso | Johnst-Jz
K-Kel | Kem-Kil | Kime-Kinf | King-Kinz | Kir-Km | Kn-Ko | Kr-Kz
L-La | Le-Li | Lo-Lz

Please note: Many names are spelled incorrectly/different than we do today. These are merely transcribed the way they were written in the WPA index files. Many individuals couldn't read or write and didn't know how to spell their names so they were at the mercy of whoever wrote them down. Then when the WPA transcription was done those poor folks had to read and transcribe handwritten documents (some of which are none too legible). So......there is no wonder we are all confused about how to spell "old" family names.

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Tom & Carolyn Ward / Columbus, Kansas / tcward@columbus-ks.com

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Tom & Carolyn Ward